I Heart The Dawn and Drew Show
I was an absolute idiot and didn't realise Podcasts can be heard without an iPod till someone enlightened me. -_-;;; OK, so what? *points above at title* I think that indemnifies me some.
Anyway, listen to The Dawn and Drew Show! They've been mentioned on just about everywhere, including CNET News.com and New York Times, just to name two. Their self-desciption for their Podcasts says, "Two ex-gutter punks fall in love, buy a retired farm in Wisconsin and tell the world their dirty secrets... Always profane, rarely profound."
Dawn and Drew recently celebrated their one-year anniversary of Podcasting, and they played some audio comments from listeners. One of them was from a Christian youth minister, who actually said this,
"I have an audio comment to celebrate your one-year anniversary -- Enjoy it while it lasts because when you die, our Lord Jesus is gonna judge you, and send your body hurtling down to the pit of Hell where you and your camel toe1 can be suffering for eternity while I'd be looking down from Heaven watching you burn. Thanks!"2
My jaws dropped and then I couldn't stop laughing. I've only heard about four episodes or so, but yeah, I enjoy listening to their banter. They're currently doing a daily show which lasts about half an hour or so.
So listen to The Dawn and Drew Show!

P/S And oh, Kupfel just sent me this incredibly WTF?! link to a news article of killer dolphins which are armed and dangerous! Wow.
1 If you don't know what a camel toe is, google it. But uh, it's NSFW (Not Safe For Work) so do it when alone or when with friends.
2 Reckless overuse of italics and bold for emphasis is solely my fault. But damn, it's close to the actual recording. Go listen and compare.
3 Yes, I stole their photo off their site, but they looked so sweet and I'm just trying to promote them. So chill.
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