Avril, Avril, Avril

I was looking for Avril Lavigne's "Things I'll Never Say" when I came across this site. It has got links to videos of her AOL Broadband concert (just scroll down a little).
Yes, I do like her. In fact, when her debut album "Let Go" was out, I bought me a copy of it, and I loved the entire album, which is a rare thing I tell you.
I was also in the bloody queue at Heeren's HMV, waiting in line for her autograph, and to take pictures of her at close range. Well, in the end, I didn't get her signature but I did get pictures (albeit a lil unclear) of her in the van as she exited the building. There were only at most 4 other fans with me who managed to see her in that van, smiling and making those hand signs to us. =p The van's windows were so close to me I could've kissed it if I wanted to.
- A picture of her looking very unlike her usual image.
- Pictures of her au naturel (only her face of course, what were you thinking?!), also looking very unlike her usual image, but in a different way. o_O
- A picture of her wearing something you'd never expect! XD
- Oh, wow.
- Hmm, this is kinda nice too.
- This one's from her debut album, and I thought she looked so cute here.
I meant to type just those 2 paragraphs at the start of this, but I ended up googling for images and I just had to put the links here too. -_-;;
Oh, of course, there were plenty other pictures, but these stood out, IMHO. And I came across quite a number of pornographic pictures trying to pass off as the real thing ("AVRIL LAVIGNE NUDE!" Yeah, right.). Some of them were so badly Photoshopped, it's sad.
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