30 April 2005

Damn Me

It is
so easy
to say/text someone "Next time then," or "Another day," when asked to meet.

It is
so easy
to simply let the days pass by without a thought as to where it has gone.

It is
so easy
for it to be a month, two months, three, since the time we last met.

It is
so easy
to be as usual, to be late an hour or two, or worse.

It is
so easy
to be forgiven, my past non-appearances and missed appointments.

It is
so easy
to lose myself in a virtual world, to be gaming or to be surfing.

It is
so easy
to think that there is always time.

It is
so easy
to think that you guys would always be there, somehow.

It is
so easy
to forget that some friends are not bound to this country forever.

It is
so easy
to tell myself, "I'd see them soon."

It is
too easy
to take certain things for granted.

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